4757 N Summit St. Toledo, OH 43611
Administrative Office: 419.724.4690
We are always looking to improve ourselves. If you have ideas how we can make a better product or serve you better, we’d love to hear from you.
Click 'Contact Us' or call 419.724.4690

Creative Living Services is a small, but active, company that provides services for individuals with developmental or cognitive disabilities. Our highly trained staff delivers homemaker personal care services, medical and non-medical transportation, vocational habilitation, and adult day services. We work diligently in the execution of individualized plans to help our consumers lead full, rewarding lives. Creative Living Services is committed to excellence, and we invite you to learn more about our company, staff, and the individuals we support!
Creative Living Services Operates under a Peopled Centered Philosophy, and as an organization, our first commitment is to the people we serve. We respect and value their choices, perspectives, opinions, and dreams. Within our company, we recognize our similarities while celebrating our differences. We understand the needs of those we serve, and we provide necessary assistance toward purposeful outcomes. We give back to our community rather than take from it. Most importantly, Creative Living Services is a places everyone can feel at home!
© 2016 Creative Living Services All rights reserved.